Rietveld Alumni

Please join!
Are you an alum and not yet in the Index?
Send an email with your full name, graduation year and department to alumni[at]rietveldacademie.nl to receive the JOIN form.

Please forget me!
Are you an alum but do you want your name to be removed from the Index?
Send an email to alumni[at]rietveldacademie.nl and we will take you off.

We have tried to contact as many Rietveld graduates as possible, but because contact details change, we have not been able to reach everyone. Also, because of privacy laws, alums have to give permission before we can include them in the Index. We hope that many alums will contact us and that the Index will grow!

Despite our efforts towards accuracy, the presence of errors cannot be excluded. Please feel free to send any remarks or corrections to alumni[at]rietveldacademie.nl.